A Lifetime Of Web Publishing

Why publishing this page? I hope that some of my grandchildren may get inspired by my long voyage through the early days of the digital world they live in. It was a turbulent voyage. Many ventures started and failed are sampled here. Despite the failures my dreaming never stopped. Each ending was an opportunity for a new idea and a new web page I authored to announce it to the world. Those pages were made possible from having become addicted to commputer systems programming and engineering starting at Indiana University in 1973 and continuing the self teaching that was the only way before books and manuals and certifications came. It is still the same today. Technology makes learning readily available to all curious souls. Even in today's world of AI, perhaps more so, the tools are there and free to all. Go discover what you can do with them. It was a wonderful, not painless, but wonderful journey. It may be the same for you.

Marco Messina - Sun City AZ - Phone 602-325-3213
******* mm1.helioho.st

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